Nature is calling!
Do you hear the call to head outside now that the weather is getting warmer and the sun shines brightly in the sky longer? We’ve spent the winter days cooped up indoors, now is the time to head out and breathe in the fresh Spring air! So go out exploring; take a walk during your lunch break; immerse yourself in Mother Nature’s beauty! Here’s 5 great examples of the healthiness of heading outdoors. (n.d.). Retrieved April 06, 2016, from
Friedman and Kevin Loria, L. F., & Loria, K. (2014, April 09). 11 Scientifically Proven Reasons You Should Go Outside. Retrieved April 06, 2016, from
Murphy, J. (2014). 4 Reasons to Go Outside (if you care about your health). Retrieved April 06, 2016, from
National Wildlife Federation. (n.d.). Health Benefits. Retrieved April 06, 2016, from
Tesco. (n.d.). 8 reasons why walking is great for your health. Retrieved April 06, 2016, from