Tag: Brain Injury Awareness Month

March 15, 2016

According to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIA), “…every day, 137 people in the U.S. die because of a TBI-related injury…” (BIA, 2015). So, what is the leading cause of these Traumatic Brain Injuries? It may not be what you think.

When you hear someone has suffered or survived a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), does the scene of a car accident flash through your head? At only 14.5%, motor vehicles are actually the 3rd leading cause of TBIs.

The number one cause of many TBIs is due to falls


It is also no coincidence that Brain Injury Awareness Day (March 16) is in the middle of National Patient Safety Week (March 13-19). As a healthcare provider, it is important that we pass along information to protect our clients and our families. Below is a compiled list of fall risk factors as well as prevention and safety tips.

What Conditions Make You More Likely to Fall?²

Research has identified many conditions that contribute to falling. These are called risk factors. Many risk factors can be changed or modified to help prevent falls. Please note that most falls are caused by a combination of risk factors. The more risk factors a person has, the greater their chances of falling. They include:

  • Lower body weakness
  • Vitamin D deficiency (that is, not enough vitamin D in your system)
  • Difficulties with walking and balance
  • Use of medicines, such as tranquilizers, sedatives, or antidepressants. Even some over-the-counter medicines can affect balance and how steady you are on your feet.
  • Vision problems
  • Foot pain or poor footwear
  • Home hazards or dangers such as
    • Broken or uneven steps,
    • Throw rugs or clutter that can be tripped over, and
    • No handrails along stairs or in the bathroom.


Prevention Tips³

You can play a role in preventing falls. Encourage the older adults in your life to:

  • Get some exercise. Lack of exercise can lead to weak legs and this increases the chances of falling. Exercise programs such as Tai Chi can increase strength and improve balance, making falls much less likely.
  • Be mindful of medications. Some medicines—or combinations of medicines—can have side effects such as dizziness or drowsiness. This can make falling more likely. Having a doctor or pharmacist review all medications can help reduce the chance of risky side effects and drug interactions.
  • Keep their vision sharp. Poor vision can make it harder to get around safely. Older adults should have their eyes checked every year and wear glasses or contact lenses with the right prescription strength to ensure they are seeing clearly.
  • Eliminate hazards at home. About half of all falls happen at home. A home safety check can help identify potential fall hazards that need to be removed or changed, such as tripping hazards, clutter, and poor lighting.


Steps for Home Safety³

The following checklist can help older adults reduce their risk of falling at home:

  • Remove things you can trip over (such as papers, books, clothes, and shoes) from stairs and places where you walk.
  • Install handrails and lights on all staircases.
  • Remove small throw rugs or use double-sided tape to keep the rugs from slipping.
  • Keep items you use often in cabinets you can reach easily without using a step stool.
  • Put grab bars inside and next to the tub or shower and next to your toilet.
  • Use non-slip mats in the bathtub and on shower floors.
  • Improve the lighting in your home. As you get older, you need brighter lights to see well. Hang lightweight curtains or shades to reduce glare.
  • Wear shoes both inside and outside the house. Avoid going barefoot or wearing slippers.


More Information

For more information about Fall Prevention, download these Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, & Injuries (STEADI) safety brochures: what_you_can_do_brochure-acheck_for_safety_brochure-a.

To learn more about Traumatic Brain Injuries, visit the Brain Injury Association of Michigan. For more statistics about TBIs, download this Centers for Disease Control and Prevention flyer: Brain Injury Statistics.

If you or a loved one are a TBI survivor and need assistance in your home, give us a call at


¹BIA. (2015). Brain Injury Fact Sheet. Retrieved March 15, 2016.

²CDC. (2015, September 21). Important Facts about Falls. Retrieved March 15, 2016.

CDC. (2015, September 01). STEADI Materials for Your Older Adult Patients. Retrieved March 15, 2016.

³CDC. (2016, March 14). Preventing Falls Among Older Adults. Retrieved March 15, 2016.

February 29, 2016

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) has put together the following Fact Sheet with statistics and other information to raise awareness and educate the public about brain injuries.


Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), T. (2015). Brain Injury Facts & Statistics. Retrieved February 29, 2016.

March 6, 2012

• Average hospital-based acute rehab is about $8,000 per day
• Range for post-acute residential is about $850 to $2,500 per day
• Day treatment programs (e.g., 4 hours of therapy) are about $600 to $1,000 with no room/board
• According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, direct medical costs and indirect costs of TBI in the U.S., such as lost productivity, totaled an estimated $76.3 billion.

Source: Brain Injury Association of America

March 2, 2012

Incidence of brain injury
• 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Injury Prevention, the leading causes of TBI are:
o Falls (35.2%)
o Motor vehicle-traffic crashes (17.3%)
o Struck by/against events (16.5%)
o Assaults (10%)
• Brain injury can result in a range of outcomes (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):
o 52,000 die
o 275,000 are hospitalized
o 1,365,000 are treated and released from an emergency department.
• According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among children ages 0 to 14 years, TBI results in an estimated
o 2,685 deaths
o 37,000 hospitalizations
o 435,000 emergency department visits
• The number of people with TBI who are not seen in an emergency department or who receive no care is unknown.
• TBI is a contributing factor to a third (30.5%) of all injury-related deaths in the United States.
• About 75% of TBIs that occur each year are concussions or other forms of mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).

Source: Brain Injury Association of America

March 1, 2012

A brain injury can happen anytime, anywhere to anyone – brain injuries do not discriminate. Did you know that 1.7 million people will sustain a brain injury each year? An injury that happens in an instant can bring a lifetime of physical, cognitive and behavior challenges and early, equal and adequate access to care will greatly increase overall quality of life.
We honor the millions of people with brain injury, who with proper acute care, therapeutic rehabilitation and adequate long-term supports, are living with the successes and challenges that each day brings. Our goals this year are to sustain and bolster brain injury programs, increase access to care and preserve vital brain injury research.
Dobson is committed to providing those who have sustained a traumatic brain injury cutting edge services in their homes.  We have a staff of committed Certified Brain Injury Specialist’s who will be able to assist our clients, their families, and care providers with the support they will need during the difficult transition into a life affected by brain injury.  We are here for you as a resource if you have any questions about care or what you may be needing in the future with your changing needs. Please, feel free to contact our office at anytime, 24/7, if you have a pressing question or need about a individual with a brain injury.

Dar Warner-Trask, Certified Brain Injury Specialist

February 29, 2012

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) and their network of state affiliates, including self-advocates, families and volunteers across the nation, will mark Brain Injury Awareness Month this March. A brain injury can happen anytime, anywhere, to anyone – a brain injury does not discriminate. In fact, 1.7 million Americans sustain a brain injury each year. Early and equal access to care for all is our goal. We will be sharing with you ideas on how to promote brain injury awareness in your community.

Make sure to check back on the site during the month for ongoing updates!

To find out more about the Michigan affiliate click here

March 7, 2011

A Concussion is a Brain Injury

What is a Concussion?

Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a blow or jolt to the head.  The injury can range from mild to severe and can disrupt the way the brain normally works.

An athlete does not need to lose consciousness to sustain a concussion. You cannot see a concussion, but you might notice some of the symptoms right away.  Other symptoms can show up days or weeks after the injury.  It is best to see a health care professional if you think you might have a concussion.  An undiagnosed concussion can affect your abilities at school or work and in everyday activities.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness or balance problems
  • Double or fuzzy vision
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Headache
  • Feeling sluggish or tired
  • Feeling foggy or groggy
  • Confusion
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Trouble remembering

If You’ve Had a Concussion

  • Never ignore a bump to the head
  • Tell your coach or teammates
  • Ask to be taken out of the game
  • Pay attention to physical changes
  • Watch out for thinking problems
  • Talk to your parents or teachers about the troubles you are having
  • See a health care professional
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Return to practice and play only after your brain is healed and your health care professional says it’s okay

When will I get better?

Your concussion symptoms can begin to decrease in the first few weeks/months depending on the severity of your injury.  You may notice more difficulty in some situations than others.  You might get tired after reading, studying or watching TV.  It may be harder to do two things at once, such as talking on the phone or working on the computer.

Take things slow and be patient with yourself.  Do not participate in contact sports until your health care professional says its okay.

Source: Brain Injury Association